I am super anxious of Friday- our trip to Syracuse to the hospital to get some genetic screening & counselling. I am looking forward to our second ultrasound and to find out everything is ok with the baby. we have finally decided on boy and girl names. Which I believe we are not planning to share, not sure yet.
I ordered a fetal doppler to hear my baby's heartbeating! It should come in Wednesday and then I can post a video of it.
I am hoping to go to NYC in Nov @ 5 months pregnant. Still waiting for confirmation as it is a group trip. Bruce won't be able to go as he has to work.
I started a new craft/hobby. I am super excited about the rest of my stuff coming in the mail. It *almost* makes me want to start a new blog cause then I can talk about everything without censoring. But as this is my 5th blog or something crazy like that I am trying to stick with this one. I just don't write nearly as much as I used to. I used to write EVERYTHING, all the time. It was very much a journal of my life and thoughts.

I think I want to buy this ring =) I had to take off my wedding rings as my fingers are swelling from the pregnancy and I am having a really hard time taking them off. I thought this ring my be a great fill-in but I am not sure what size to get.
My happy moment of the day: snuggling with Ben. I <3 Benjamin.
all roads lead to Rome...