Thursday, November 13, 2008

happy happy happy

This was my Halloween costume- black peacock (although I kinda felt like a LasVegas showgirl). We had a great Halloween in Ottawa with friends. The week before that was our Housewarming Party and that was fabulous although I drank too much..... see video..... me contemplating why I drank so much.

I have been at the gym about 6 days a week... 3 days cardio, 3 days weights. I am loving pilates and the Bosu ball which were kind of an add-on to the other things. I actually like all of it. It'll take a while but I will get to my goal.

Life is very good here :)


Anonymous said...

I've been wondering how you're doing! Glad to see you're happy. That video was hysterical. :-)


Mostly Happy Thoughts said...

Hi Jenni. I've missed blogging... I am going to try and post more regularly again. I've become a Facebook junkie, hard to keep up with both.

That video....heh, not one of my finest moments. Good reminder though to not drink so much!!