Friday, November 21, 2008

Our Date!

We had so much fun on our date. We travelled all over the city to pre-determined spots and took pics at each spot of us kissing :) It was a fun way to spend a gloomy and cold day.

Our date idea came from these cards!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

happy happy happy

This was my Halloween costume- black peacock (although I kinda felt like a LasVegas showgirl). We had a great Halloween in Ottawa with friends. The week before that was our Housewarming Party and that was fabulous although I drank too much..... see video..... me contemplating why I drank so much.

I have been at the gym about 6 days a week... 3 days cardio, 3 days weights. I am loving pilates and the Bosu ball which were kind of an add-on to the other things. I actually like all of it. It'll take a while but I will get to my goal.

Life is very good here :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September is almost over....

It has been a while since my last post. I tend to only post updates on Facebook lately. sorry.

I have been sick all week. Our yard sale went well, we made $200. We also rolled all our change and that amounted to $300 (half is in US $$).... $500 in one weekend, not bad. We went out and bought a new piece of furniture and solar lights with some of the money :)

We have our housewarming party planned for late October. I am very excited to have friends and family visit! It will be interesting to see just how many people make it as it is a 3.5 hour drive (minimum) for pretty much everyone.

Bruce and I joined Goodlife. It is an all inclusive membership: classes (yoga, aerobics, aquafit), use of pool and sauna, huge weight room, cardio room, cycling classes. We haven't been yet as we have both been so sick. we got free gifts for joining: duffle bag, baseball hat, flip flops, tshirt, Cd's, coupons etc.... the memberships are good at all locations,which I like. There are two in North Bay- one is women only, the other is coed.

Bruce bought a bicycle so we will be starting to bike too! I now have a new bike basket (much needed for grocery shopping) and a helmet (which Bruce decided I MUST wear, lol).

I read this article today, and loved it! I am a strong believer in forgiveness :)

It is sooo beautiful here with all the leaves changing colors. Will take a picture soon and post it :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ying and yang


You would think that because I am not working that I would have so much free time to post blogs. I feel busy. Bruce leaves early and comes home by 3pm. I get up and putter, then shower, sometimes bike to the grocery store, clean a bit, bake or cook.... before you know it Bruce is home and I am making dinner. We go to bed really early.
The weekend of Sept 13/14th is going to be our HUGE yard sale. We have half our spare room full of stuff to sell. We even have some of Jodie's things to sell. We are going to have our housewarming party at the end of October. Bruce has a new work schedule and is only off every 3rd weekend. so we want to alternate his weekends off and stay in North Bay for one of them, and then go to Ottawa for the next one. So I will get home every 6 weeks, which will be nice.
I am ridiculously happy. I *love* being here with Bruce. He is the absolute perfect match for me. My yang :) I am his ying..... I cannot imagine him not being in my life. ever.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Isabelle's Outdoor Adventures

She LOVES it outside!!!!

Silver Beach

this is the beautiful beach that is literally at the end of my street.

Life here is pretty peaceful.

I have applied for UI. I am looking for work in the meantime. and trying to decide what to do next..... start a business, go back to school (they have a fabulous 2 year fulltime course at the college that I would love to take!!!), or just get a job doing whatever. I have no idea. Perhaps getting a parttime job AND starting my own business on the side might be a good option. Also I have been looking into government programs that help you start a business!!! that would be awesome.

I am really enjoying being here. I love being with Bruce everyday. We get along really well. We laugh a lot. Right now we have a deal- if I watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy Bruce will watch the 5 hour version of Pride and Prejudice AND the new 2 hour version. Right now we have gotten through the 1st LOTR and almost half of the 5 hour version of P&P.

And no, life is not perfect all the time. most of the time though :) we have stuff to work through, miscommunications, bad moods and the sort to work through like everyone else. We seem to be able to communicate though and find resolutions quickly and bounce right back to our happy selves. We are the best of friends. We have a very peaceful relationship.

Next on our agenda will be having a huge yard sale, housewarming parties, and Jodie is visiting this weekend- we are going beach hopping AND there is a "corn festival" going on Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market downtown.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

in the middle of nowhere....

the move went well. I love it here. the house is fabulous. we have apples on one of our apple trees :) there are kids everywhere and everyone owns a dog! very different than the neighbourhood I used to live in. All of our neighbours are very friendly. A couple of them stopped by. One of them brought up baked goods! we had a house full of kids. at times it does feel as though we are so far away from city life- a bit of culture shock. the area we live in is near the lakeshore and has a beachy feel- lots of motels and beaches and laid back feel. The cats seem to love it here. I cannot wait to have people visit!!!!! It has been crazy to not have internet for 2 weeks. I will post more tomorrow- plus pictures!!!!

p.s my life is pretty much this right now: baking, cooking, decorating, and lots of "honeymoon-type" X rated goings on ;) it is a sweet life. I wish I never had to go back to work. I feel so happy and peaceful right now......

Monday, July 21, 2008

Going Away Dinner

I had a small going away dinner at Mexi's on Dow's Lake. 10 people. It was nice. A coworker bought us a small bottle of champagne and another coworker bought us art, we got a couple of cards. Dinner was delicious.
Here is a group shot of most of our dept (Mas/ L&F)... These are the people I work closely with on a daily basis. I will miss them all so much!!!
It was so nice to have Bruce with me the past few days.I had not seen him for 2 months and he ended up showing up a couple of days early and staying an extra night. We ended up having 4 nights together :) The next time I see him will be in 4 or 5 days and then everyday after that- forever and ever and ever :)

Bruce and I walked home after dinner. We walked along the canal for a bit and I took this picture.
This week is going to be busy, emotional, overwhelming, and incredibly exciting.
My last day of work is Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My life is crazy right now. I have been sooooo busy. so much to do. In the past few days I have done baking, had a yard sale, went to Orleans 3 times (laundry, shopping, dinner), cleaned my apt, packed a little, did groceries, had dinner at Jodie's, worked...... In the next few days I will be working, packing, going to the dentist, going out for dinner twice. Lots of going away dinners.

....Bruce might be coming to Ottawa Saturday!!! He is driving from Tacoma. He is in Des Moines, Iowa right now. I have not seen him in almost 2 months. I miss him so much. I am sad and emotional to be leaving my life, my friends, my family. I have created a life that I love and I know I will miss it. I am excited for all the new adventures. It is hard. Change is scary. I know things will be wonderful. I try hard not to think too much about all the unknowns. It is hard to be doing all of this alone, having not seen Bruce in so so long. What has made it even harder is that Bruce is going through the same thing with him leaving Tacoma and we are both in an emotional and sad state of mind..... With Bruce driving across the US right now we are not talking much at all. Work is crazy. which is an understatement!!!! I have 4 more shifts.......
I bought the PC Green Cleaning Putty (it is solid and comes with a sponge) and I LOVE it. It looks like it will last a long long time, it makes everything really shiny and there is no harsh smell. It makes stainless steel look brand new. I highly recommend this stuff! If you use too much it can be grainy and need a lot of rinsing- so use just a little.... it is great for getting marks off walls too. and you can use it on your floors as well. I *love* PC products!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Just looking at this picture makes me feel calm. I love water.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Look what I found in downtown Ottawa :)
mmmmmm....I love Vitamin Water.
It is FINALLY here and getting popular.
I have been waiting years!

my life lately... consumed by by never ending to-do list. I have not even started to pack and I move in a few weeks. Work is like something out of HELL. Summers in an animal shelter are HARD. and very very sad. By the time I get time off I am so burnt out emotionally and mentally that it is hard to even think about what I need to do.

Bruce and I had our first fight. Big fight. I was ANGRY. and hurt, upset.... but we have made up now :) 1 fight in 5+months is not too bad. The hardest part is to have to resolve things on the phone and to not be able to hug him now that things are better. That is extremely frustrating. The good thing about it was that I was/am confident that whatever comes up we will be able to resolve and it will make us stronger. I am passionate. and emotional. I do NOT keep my emotions to myself. I get them out, deal with them, and then move on. I think it is healthier than keeping everything in. If I am mad or upset YOU WILL KNOW. I am unable to hide it. In a way it is kind of nice that the "first fight" is out of the way.

This weekend....I am going to start packing, I have a "date" with Diana to go to the Keg, I will do some errands (buy more of my RX, contact lenses...etc) and then monday hopefully I will get a new OHIP card.

I am reading a great book "Do" .... check it out. I want to read the other 2 as well, "Be" and "Faith". jodie and I were having a bad day a couple of days ago and decided to go to a couple of bookstores. We had fun. and laughed a lot. I find books very therapeutic. I thought since my whole life is changing right now I could use a book to encourage me to be strong and do things differently. Re-invent myself I suppose. I should be meditating to keep myself centered.

Here are some more whitewater rafting pics......

signing the waivers....

the guides

all of the rafting teams
and the lovely bus!


success. adrenaline.

these are the pics that the rafting company took. A guy kayaked everywhere photographing us and taking video.

this is the big one...

this is where 3 of us fell out

notice the legs outside the boat. SCARY!

we are in there somewhere. waiting to be spit out of the whirlpool. drowning.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

to-do list

I have so much to do. It is insane.

Today I am TRYING to get organized. I have a calendar and I am scheduling everything. Today I called: OHIP, ordered more contact lenses, made Dr. appt, dentist appt.... all things I need to do while I am still in Ottawa and still have medical insurance through work. I need to reserve a moving truck. So I should call them too. The tricky part is that my friend Jodie is driving the truck and I do not have a credit card. Jodie does. AKKK. I have money though. I have not started packing. yet. I have reserved 2 weekends on my calendar to pack- that should be more than enough!

I went to see The Strangers last night. SCARY. Loved it. Did I mention it was SCARY? omg....I had my sweater up around my face through the entire movie. I actually screamed OUT LOUD at one part and jumped several times.

One of these days I have to buy the kids a much nicer/bigger scratching post!

They do LOVE this one though!

I have been nicotine free for over 3 weeks. And I made it through my first cycle of birth control pills.

I gave in my letter of resignation at work. I gave almost 5 weeks notice.

I received my 5 years of service gift at work- a card with a note written by our executive director and a $50 Keg giftcard :)

I have 19 days of work left!!!!

I better go. lots to do.......

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Esprit Rafting Adventure

I went white water rafting yesterday. It was so nice to spend the entire day outdoors. The picture above was the scariest set of rapids that we did. Only 5% of rafters ever get to do this one as the water levels have to be exactly right.

Going over the waterfall I was in the front of the raft (kind of like being in the front of the rollercoaster) and then I saw a WALL of water coming at me so fast..... then BAM! So...... in this giant pool of rapids 4 of us fell out of the raft. We all went under. I thought the whole raft capsized. I was pulled under and I couldn't tell if I was under the raft or not, could not make sense of where I was, could not get to the surface, could not see anything except water...... then I got to the surface and kept getting pulled under as it was like a whirlpool and I kept inhaling massive amount of water. I was hyperventilating cause I could not breathe as most of this time I was under water. then one of the guides threw me a rope. I held onto it.... I was now about 100ft now from where I fell in (I fell in where all the WHITE is in the picture above). I kept inhaling water. I could not breathe or catch my breath. All I knew was that I was NOT going to let go of the rope. finally I made it to shore and had to wait until the next raft was in position and then I walked across to another raft and they taxi'd me back to my raft. I stood there feeling pretty shaky.
We were on a 7 person, 14ft raft- much more sporty and punchy
than the bigger, more tradition rafts
also, going in the spring when the water levels are higher gives you bigger waves....

A little shaken up, but still good to go. I think I was in shock, it really did not hit me until later after I processed it. I think I now know what it feels like to drown. You feel pressure from the water, but no pain, confusion, time seems to slow down, you cannot breathe but you cannot process that fact. I could not think or react to what was happening.

Today I think I have a concussion. Last night my pupils were different sizes. I have been abnormally tired since I got home yesterday. Today I had the worst headache. Likely I wacked my head on a rock or with my paddle or someone else. 4 bodies flew out of the raft after going over a waterfall- anything is possible.

I feel as though my entire body was put through a washing machine. I ache from head to head, face, arms, hands... etc. etc. I have bruises all over.
This was us doing some recreation swimming :) The water was FREEZING. And it is really weird to swim with runners and socks on!

This was my second time white water rafting. Likely I will go again.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jodie and I/ 60k in the rain

Ottawa River Parkway Bikepath

I biked from my apartment all the way to Moodie Dr/417/Corkstown Rd yesterday. I think it was about 60km. ALMOST to Kanata!!! and we started biking in the pouring rain..... Today I was exhausted.
I move in 6 weeks!
I am VERY excited.