Saturday, May 31, 2008


Bruce is on his way back to Tacoma today. It seemed much more bearable when he was in North Bay because he was close enough that we could drive to see each other, and in the same time zone, not to mention the same country..... It was also really nice because we had long chats on the phone every night :) That is something we don't do very often when he is in Tacoma, mostly due to the time difference and our work schedules. In less than 2 months none of that will be an issue. I cannot wait to move. I am sooooooo excited to start "our life" together. We will be going from 3000 miles apart to living in the same house!!! I am so happy we are skipping the months of long distance dating between Ottawa and North Bay.


Anonymous said...

Awww, cute Isabelle :) Jazzer says hi. I now have a bunch of work pets too. Dallas the cat likes to own my office, and Hercules the Shih Tzu is a psycho. After all this time wanting one, I get a crazy one. Oh well, I'm sure I'll grow on him.
Yay for your move - you sound so happy. I'll be driving up to North Bay to visit. What a gorgeous drive that will be. Craig says I can drop him off at his dad's in Huntsville on the way by :)

Love you

Mostly Happy Thoughts said...

I AM happy. I look forward to you visiting!!!

How sweet that you have pets at work.

Leaving my job will be SO HARD. OMG.