Friday, May 30, 2008

tip toe through the tulips

I have given my notice to my landlord (he then asks me if I could put an ad on the internet for him. I said sure!)

I always said "I am not leaving my job until I get my 5 years of service plaque"..... well I get it in June!!! talk about timing. I will have been at the shelter 6.5 years by the time I leave (there is a bit of a delay in getting the award...)

I get a 3.25% raise (back paid to April 1st) which I am quite happy about.

I am so excited to be moving. I am excited to start my new life. To see Bruce every single day. I am ecstatic beyond words. I love him MORE every single day. He really is very very sweet. The next time I see him will be moving day. I have smiled every day since mid January, without fail. A coworker said "you are the happiest person I know. It makes me sick."

The Tulip Festival donated some of the tulips to our shelter. Sue and I spent quite a bit of time cutting the bulbs and organizing a way to dry them out so we can plant them in the fall and make our shelter pretty next year. Also I got to keep some, which I will plant in our yard in North Bay and they will remind me of the shelter, and Ottawa, and Sue.

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