Sunday, June 7, 2009

signs of edible life =)

I have made a few friends this year. Savannah (Arizona) who I grow more fond of every day and oneday perhaps we will live closer. Stephanie (Ottawa) whom I look forward to meeting at my wedding. Natalie (North Bay) , I met her through a military spouses shopping roadtrip =) Lucky me to be surrounded by such fabulous people. I am working hard to weed out the clutter from my life, be it people (mostly in the form of old friends that I no longer have anything in common, or people I find too negative or draining, extended family perhaps and their drama) or things- too many useless things. Yard sale soon to get rid of house clutter....

I am excited to go to Ottawa and see friends and family. and attend 4 parties and celebrate Canada Day! I haven't been home since the beginning of February. 4 months.

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