Saturday, July 5, 2008

my life lately... consumed by by never ending to-do list. I have not even started to pack and I move in a few weeks. Work is like something out of HELL. Summers in an animal shelter are HARD. and very very sad. By the time I get time off I am so burnt out emotionally and mentally that it is hard to even think about what I need to do.

Bruce and I had our first fight. Big fight. I was ANGRY. and hurt, upset.... but we have made up now :) 1 fight in 5+months is not too bad. The hardest part is to have to resolve things on the phone and to not be able to hug him now that things are better. That is extremely frustrating. The good thing about it was that I was/am confident that whatever comes up we will be able to resolve and it will make us stronger. I am passionate. and emotional. I do NOT keep my emotions to myself. I get them out, deal with them, and then move on. I think it is healthier than keeping everything in. If I am mad or upset YOU WILL KNOW. I am unable to hide it. In a way it is kind of nice that the "first fight" is out of the way.

This weekend....I am going to start packing, I have a "date" with Diana to go to the Keg, I will do some errands (buy more of my RX, contact lenses...etc) and then monday hopefully I will get a new OHIP card.

I am reading a great book "Do" .... check it out. I want to read the other 2 as well, "Be" and "Faith". jodie and I were having a bad day a couple of days ago and decided to go to a couple of bookstores. We had fun. and laughed a lot. I find books very therapeutic. I thought since my whole life is changing right now I could use a book to encourage me to be strong and do things differently. Re-invent myself I suppose. I should be meditating to keep myself centered.

Here are some more whitewater rafting pics......

signing the waivers....

the guides

all of the rafting teams
and the lovely bus!


success. adrenaline.

these are the pics that the rafting company took. A guy kayaked everywhere photographing us and taking video.

this is the big one...

this is where 3 of us fell out

notice the legs outside the boat. SCARY!

we are in there somewhere. waiting to be spit out of the whirlpool. drowning.

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