Thursday, April 10, 2008

it's a risk, I know.

I have decided to try the Mirena IUD as birth control. as soon as I get my drug card (so that I don't have to pay upfront) I will order it at the pharmacy. I have the prescription already. Then my doctor will book me an appointment with an OBGYN to put it in. It could make my PMS better, it could make it worse. I am scared, but I am willing to try it. I will not know unless I try. If it is horrible I will have it taken out. It is 100% covered under my drug plan (they cost $300) and last up to 5 years. I have done a lot of research. My doctor recommended it. I have made my decision. Some people love it, some people hate it. we shall see how my body reacts :) Perhaps it will be fabulous and I can get off my meds! That would be sooooo great. I hate how messed up my body gets from hormones, but at least I know it is manageable. I honestly feel like a completely different person on my medication. But I really do not WANT to stay on it forever. I have an appointment at the PMS clinic at the hospital May 1st, I am hopeful they will be able to help :) I am keeping my fingers crossed. I NEVER want to feel that bad again. I will do anything to stay happy and healthy. Whatever it takes.


Unknown said...

Good luck - I hope it works for you!! I will cross my fingers for you :)

Anonymous said...

Why do you want to use birth control?

Unknown said...

Hey, Anonymous has a good point....HELLOOOOO?????? Nieces and Nephews for Michael :)
(no pressure...hee hee)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yeah...why not?

Mostly Happy Thoughts said...

Perhaps oneday. For now I am very happy to be "without child" :)

You two made me laugh though!!!

Unknown said...


I only asked because with some of the issues of ingested/injected birth control (which I went through myself...many, many moons ago) and being happy "with child" now...I asked the question out of curiosity...not to impose, or suggest anything - just a question really. With condoms or a diaphragm - you can use them or forget them :) Whatever you feel like at the time - it's kind of fun....:)

Bye for now,

P.S. Rose Coloured Glasses...Good to know I'm not completely out of my tree for asking the question :)

Mostly Happy Thoughts said...

To answer you Nat- my body reacted very badly to spermicide. And condoms really are not that effective as a form of birth control. And really not that much fun. The Mirena IUD is neither injected or a pill. And it is 99.9% effective. It MAY help with my PMS as well. I just do not want to get pregnant right now. Oh, and I do like the idea of not having a period very much :) I am hopefull that I do not have a bad reaction to it. Only time will tell.
