Monday, April 14, 2008

I am passionate :)

oneday I want to own an outdoor bed :)

new outfit

summery shoes

I love chocolate brown with embroidering!

I have just ONE day off, and soooo much to do. I must move myself AWAY from the computer and start doing things.... I woke up this morning thinking "WTF?" I had the worst nightmares. The WORST. I hate that. I thought I was going to cry when I woke up. Just dreams I tell myself. Not real. Bleh.... I just cannot seem to erase the images from my mind though.

I am going to aquafit tonight :) Otherwise I will be here. cleaning and organizing.

I wrote 3 letters yesterday at work and left one for the shelter manager and 2 supervisors. all in my ongoing quest to make work a better place :) Two other staff members signed my letters. I want to be a catalyst for change. I often have ideas, and often I share them. If only we had a good HR person. we don't. I think I would make a GREAT HR person :) Sometimes they completely ignore my requests, but other times I actually get changes made :) I always think there is room for improvement. I cannot help but stand up for what I believe in and verbalize my desires. It is my inner Ghandi coming out :) Everyone thinks it, I just tend to be one of the only people who is willing to confront people on issues that I feel negatively impact an organization and request that they consider alternative methods that may produce better and more effective results. Change comes in the form of baby steps..... It is not in me to accept the status quo. I tend to challenge it in hopes for change. I even went so far as to ask the executive director and HR person of another shelter last year at a seminar I went to in Dallas for advice as to how to implement changes, and then wrote a long paper. I was told by our director of ops and executive director that my paper was fantastic!!!!! However they did not implement any of my brilliant suggestions :(


Anonymous said...

OMG - I want an outdoor bed too!! That looks amazing :)

Be patient at work - most people are notoriously bad with change, you may have to try a few times to get them to listen :(


Mostly Happy Thoughts said...

sigh....the letter did not go over as well as I had hoped :(